I am new to all this so please I am throwing this info out and this is probably the only time I will throw out this
My wizard's anniversary is May 30th and my wizard is about maybe 1 1/2 years old now and my
official wizard e-mail is kevinthunderwalker@hotmail.com so if you have any question please
e-mail me if you have ANY questions. I am glad to answer any questions about me so if you're
wanting any information about my wizard then e-mail me at kevinthunderwalker@hotmail.com!
That is kevinthunderwalker@hotmail.com and back to my information. I am a level 58 ice
wizard if you were wondering since my name is Kevin THUNDERwalker so that is pretty much
it.... oh and my favorite type of music is Hip Hop/Rap and my favorite singer has to be either
Selena Gomez or Slim Shady (BIG BIG DIFFERENCE) That should give you all the information
about me but I am glad to answer any questions